He was Red rated coder at Topcoder. He was one of the first redcoder. Click Here to see his Topcoder's profile.
He was the TCO (TopCoder open) world finalist twice. His SRM rating was 2320. And marathon match rating being 1314.
ACM-ICPC known as olympics of coding enthusiasts. So Harsha made his presence here too and represented India in World Finals in his final year of graduation.
He entered in 86 component design competitions and won 45 of them competing with the best on Topcoder. He also featured as designer of quarter. Besides Topcoder, he ranked 31 in Google Code Jam World finals 2008.
He made his concepts stronger and worked on to make DP his strongest area (for the non-programming people, DP is Dynamic Programming and is one of the toughest things to master in programming).
Harsha founded three startups. But immediately after graduating from IIIT Allahabad he didn’t take a plush job in Microsoft or Amazon but decided to
MyCodeSchool is one of the startup of Harsha Suryanarayana. MyCodeSchool provides vido lessons to programming concepts.
Click here to navigate to MyCodeSchool
He left us!
Probably this was the most unfortunate day in history of indian programming field. As on this day we lost lord Harsha in a hit and run accident.
In memory of Harsha Suryanarayana, IIIT Allahabad hosts International HumblefoolCup during its annual technical fest, Aparoksha.
Visit HumblefoolCup.