Pradeep Gangwar

I Love

Programming Web Open-Source

Hi! I am Pradeep Gangwar, a second year undergraduate student at IIIT, Allahabad. I love technology and building things with it. Here you can find some of the projects/work done by me. You can help me by contributing to it on GitHub .

Skills & Experience


Wallet Manager

Wallet Manager

Wallet Manager

Wallet manager is a simple application for managing your day to day wallet transactions. So that you keep track of your money being spend.
With Wallet manager you can keep month-wise track of your money. Wallet manager keeps you organized with your wallet.

Technologies used are : FLASK (Python framework), Postgresql (Database), Heroku (Hosting), HTML (Jinja Templates by Flask)

GitHub link

Contacts Manager

Contacts Manager

Contacts Manager

Contacts manager is a simple application for managing your Contacts. This was made to stregthen PHP concepts by trying hands on real world things. It uses PDO to connect to databases and is secured with password hashing and sessions . Nobody is allowed to access other users private contacts or use PHP files without proper permisssions . It was developed in just 4 days.

Technologies used are : PHP, MySQL, 000webhost (Hosting), HTML

GitHub link

Social Revolution

Social Revolution

Social Revolution

SocialRevolution a Social media website which brings all the people together who are interested in social works like environmental protection,pollution,etc.
This was developed during Hack In The North in 36 hours.

Languages usd are : PHP, MySQl, HTML

GitHub link

Other Projects

Some other works/projects done by me:

  • Harsha Suryanarayana HumbleFool Webpage

    This webpage was designed as a Tribute to great Indian Programmer Harsha Suryanarayana. This was designed as a part of event which was organised in the memory of HumbleFool. HumbleFool Cup 2017

    Webpage Link Harsha Suryanarayana

  • Indian Flag Indian Flag Drawing automation

    I made a python script that automates the Indian-Flag Drawing. This python script uses Turtle-Graphics Library of Python.

    Watch Video: Indian Flag Drawer

  • Nybles Nybles

    Nybles is the Technical Newsletter maintained by students of IIIT Allahabad. It uses jekyll to deliver its content. My contributions include:

    • 1. Adding Search functionality
    • 2. Adding subscribe button to page
    • 3. UI improvements

    Live Link: Nybles

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